Our Services
What the Academy Offers

1 To 1 Guitar Lessons
We offer 1 to 1 guitar lessons for all ability levels! Develop your guitar skills, and receive a customised game plan to hit all of your guitar playing goals!
Group Lessons
We offer group guitar lessons for beginners. Group lessons are a great way to meet new people, learn from your peers, practise playing in front of others and are a more cost effective option for your learning!
Learning disability and additional needs guitar session (18+) Mondays 5:30pm-6:30pm
Junior guitar session (6-12yrs) Thursdays 6:15pm-7:15pm
Youth guitar session (13-17yrs) Fridays 6:15pm-7:15pm
Adult guitar session (18+) Tuesdays 7:30pm-8:30pm

Monthly Jam Sessions
We host jam sessions every month, allowing to try out your skills with a real band, and meet other guitarists just like you! Many awesome guitar playing relationships have been formed at these sessions.
We offer special workshops on specific skills you need to be a serious guitarist. Whether that's, recording, producing, improvising or being in a band, we cover it all here at superstars guitar academy!

All Access Video Library
Every student in the academy gets access to the exclusive video library, with lessons on everything you need to know to become a better guitar player! Miss a lesson? No problem, you'll easily catch up by watching a video or 2. The video library allows you to continue your learning at home, allowing for much faster progress!